Project 4: Montage

By: Sara Shaw

A montage consisting of two or more images and typography with an inspirational message. 


  1. I began my process by determining what I wanted my inspirational message to be and who it would be for.
  2. I then began my search for the images that I wanted to use and a scripture that fit that theme.
  3. Next,  brought my photographs into Photoshop and started the process of cropping and intermingling photos.
  4. After I had blended the images together, I entered my text and added extra emphasis to words I thought were important by using a different type.
  5. Lastly, I had  critiques of my design and made small revisions from there, including downsizing my bodycopy and blending my images further together.
  6. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop

Message: My message was to give comfort and hope to those who needed reminding of how much God loves all of his children.
Audience: Everyone, especially those who are religious.
Colorized/Filter applied and where: The background image of the golden leaves was filtered with Paint Daubs.
Color scheme : Tetradic and color names:  Green, Red, Orange and Blue
Top thing learned: How to incorporate multiple images together in a cohesive way.
Font #1 Name & Category: Title: Stempel Garamond LT Std – Oldstyle
Font #2 Name & Category: Copy: Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro – Sans Serif

Thumbnails of Images used:


golden leaves background


Sources (Links to images on original websites):

Project 3: Photodesign

by: Sara Shaw


Description: Create a poster design incorporating an original photo. Do basic photo editing and create a layout with a cohesive color scheme.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills: I started my project by deciding what I wanted to photograph. That helped me determine who I wanted my audience to be. From there I selected a color scheme that fit well with the photograph and my message. I then brought my picture into Photoshop and did some basic editing. I selected my specific colors from my image and made adjustments from there. I wanted to keep this design relatively simple to not overcomplicate the overall design. I wanted to incorporate Spanish and English text to widen my audience.

Message: I created a design meant to uplift those who worry about money.

Audience: Spanish, English, and bilingual speakers.Specifically those from Chile.

Top Thing Learned: I learned how to navigate in Photoshop.

Color scheme: Monochromatic color names: Lime

Title Font Name & Category: Neue Haas Grotest Display Pro: San Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Garamond: Serif

Thumbnail of original, unedited image:


P3 Activity: Photography

By: Sara Shaw


Light 1: Outside


Light 2: Inside


Focus 1: Foreground


Focus 2: Background


Composition 1: Rule of Thirds


Composition 2: Lead Room

I do not consider myself a photographer, but after this assignment, I can see how important having great photography skills are. I was a little nervous about capturing photos that would fit each category, but studying each type helped. I decided to take most of my photos in a local park where they have beautiful flowers. With a little trial and error, I was able to take a foreground and background image of the same place.

For my inside light photograph, I wanted to get as much natural light as possible, so I set my subject right next to the window sill. The photograph that I enjoyed the most was taking a picture of my three-year-old boy. He was a willing subject, but I had to bring a piece of bread to get him to stand still. Although I know I need to practice my photography skills, I can already see improvement in the quality. I had only a little bit of experience in Photoshop, but I am getting more familiar with the basic editing tools.

Project 2: Event Ad

by: Sara Shaw



A full-bleed flier created completely in Word. The flier advertises an event for a beneficiary.


I first started by planning out who I wanted to be the beneficiaries, the sponsors, and what the event would be. From there I looked for photographs that would fit for an event for children. After I found my photo, I scanned it and edited it in Word. I then added the blocks of color in the circles and blocks and eventually the typography. After some critique, I made small changes including moving the address to right underneath the event time and making the upper circle smaller. I also made all of my reds the same color to create a more consistent look.


My message to advertise a fun filled event that will benefit children in need.

For parents and children directly associated with the school and anyone wanting to give support in the community.

Top thing learned:
I learned amazing features in Word. I had no idea Word could remove backgrounds in photos.

Color scheme and color names:
Red, Yellow, Blue

Title Font Name & Category:  Britannic Bold– Sans Serif

Copy Font Name & Category:  Arial– Sans Serif

Scanned images used,  sources, original sizes:

Source: Martha Stewart Living Magazine
Original Size: 8 7/8″ x 6″
Final Image Size: 1800 x 1219

Project 1: Flier

by: Sara Shaw


Final Flier Design

A promotional black and white flier geared towards recently graduated students for a leadership conference.

I started out with four basic concepts and sketched them out. I chose the one that I thought would be the most cohesive and interesting. I created a digital sketch in Illustrator and made minor changes to the layout to fix some alignment issues. Other changes I made include making the “L” in leadership a bit larger, putting more emphasis on “graduate”, and repeating the horizontal line element.

I wanted to communicate a strong professional look that would appeal to recent graduate students. 

Recent young adult graduates.

What I learned:
Align whenever you can. One of the biggest problems I had with this design was spacing everything so I could align the major portion of the text together. Once I scaled down the photo, enough space was created to move it all together. I also learned that if I have a element once in a design, I should try to repeat it to bring it all together.

Title Font Name & Category:
Bookman Old Style – Old Style

Copy Font Name & Category:
Avenir Next LT Pro – Sans Serif

Links to all images you used in this project:

